amp is the world’s leading, full-service agency for sonic branding. The amp team creates holistic sonic identities for global brands by combining unique expertise in brand strategy with decades of experience in music composition, production, and compilation.
Leveraging its award-winning Sonic DNA® process, amp helps brands leverage sound, music and voice to build authentic, emotional connections with audiences across all audible customer experience touch points.
The second component of the Sonic Hub Tool Ecosystem is Sonic Check®. It uses Machine Listening and Learning (MLAL) algorithms to compare sound assets and predicts how the assets will perform. Sonic Check® offers an audio testing solution to replace marketing guesswork. It constructs brand sonic profiles to evaluate audience interaction and emotional attachment to brand sounds before going to the market research phase.
Through real-time AI-driven rapid testing, Sonic Check® connects with consolidated data to determine and assess brand sentiment against a predefined brand sonic profile. Further, it recommends practical brand sound options and verifies optimal sonic designs for brands.
In order to make the evaluation on Sonic DNA® layouts as objective as possible, amp set up four evaluation criteria’s and work with different testing and market research techniques for additional insights and objective data.
Before launching, one can ensure the success of their product by obtaining pre-launch confirmation in all sound-based decisions with Sonic Check®.